
Warps are ways to teleport to other player spots (like shops, builds, points of attraction, and more). You can see featured warps and browse existing warps in the /warps menu!

/warps are ways to teleport to other player setups (shops, builds, museums, etc.) You can see featured warps, as well as browse existing warps in the /warps menu.

In the chat window, type /warps. It will open a gui window that shows an eye of ender, an oak sign, and a red bed.

Searching for Warps

In the /warps menu, click the oak sign. This will open all public player warps, which are represented by icons. Hovering over an icon will show you the name of the warp, how many visits the warp has, and what kind of warp it is. Clicking on the icon will teleport you to the warp.

You can get to /warps in a few other ways:

  • In the chat window, type /warp name-of-warp

  • Click a sign that says [Warp] with the warp name under it

Creating a Warp

To create a warp, you will need at least $25K.

In the /warps window, click the red bed. It will open a window that has a crafting table at the bottom. Click the crafting table.

In the chat window, you will be directed to write the name of your warp in chat. Just type the name of your warp. You do not need any commands. It will not send it as a message to everyone. Just type the name of your warp into the chat window.

Once you do this, you will be prompted to confirm warp creation (and get charged $25K). Clicking the green button will send you a notification in chat:

You can then return to the /warps red bed window. Your warp will now appear in one of the blocks above the crafting table. Hover over the warp to confirm the name, and click on it to manage the warp settings.

  • ender pearl: teleport to your warp location

  • red/lime shulker box: publicity setting: clicking on this will make your warp public so anyone can visit, or private so only allowed players can visit it. If your warp is public, the shulker box will be lime green

  • paper: warp sharing: this will allow you to share your warp with specific players. This is really only useful if your warp publicity setting is set to private (red shulker box)

  • nametag: warp renaming: this will let you change the name of your warp. You can do this by writing the new name for your warp in the chat. You may need to leave the gui window to get to the chat window. If successful, the chat window will show you a confirmation message

  • eye of ender: warp relocate: this will let you move where your warp takes players. It is great if you are trying to move your warp location to a completely different place

  • enchanting table: warp type: this will let you set the type of warp. This is really useful if your warp is public. The options are:

    • lime dye: public (generic/not defined)

    • chest: shop

    • bottle of enchanting: grinder

    • firecracker: attraction

    • red bed: town

    • wheat: farm

  • 🚫: Delete your warp (We recommend that you do not do this! You can always make your warp private and rename/relocate it! Don't waste $25K!)

Featuring a Warp

In the /warps menu, click on the ender pearl. This will open a window with 5 different player heads. Each player head belongs to the person whose warp is featured. If you hover over the head, it will tell you the warp name, how many visits it has, and its ranking. Clicking on the head will teleport you to the warp.

Anyone with a warp can promote their warp in this featured warps menu. To do that, you need $25K and wait until one of the featured warp slots are available. Simply click on the free warp slot, and confirm you want to spend $25K to feature your warp. Featured warp slots expire in 3 days. Expirations are also announced in chat.

Some of Mineseed's Warps

Below is a list of helpful warps, and some popular warps. This is not an exhaustive list. Visit /warp wall to see more.

Learn Things

  • /warp rank - read about the perks that each donor rank receives

  • /warp How2Claim - read about how to claim your own land

  • /warp How2SignShop - read about what it takes to open your own chest shop

  • /warp how2rename - read about how to use an item renamer

  • /warp how2fish - take pyrofishing lessons

Helpful Resources

  • /warp animalcropping - public farm -- please make sure to replant!

  • /warp farm - public farm -- please make sure to replant!

  • /warp villagertraders - villagers to trade with

  • /warp villagers - more villagers to trade with

  • /warp EnchantTable - free anvils, enchanting stations, and more

  • /warp dock - a public fishing spot; an especially helpful location if you want to enter a fishing tournament

  • /warp forger - a place to trade for Mineseed-specific tools and gear

  • /warp End - enter the end or a nether portal

  • /warp end20 - enter the end or a nether portal

  • /warp pinata - if you see new of a pinata party on your screen, go here and hit the llama to get free loot

Mob Spawners and Mob Drops

  • /warp Spawner - public area with grinders for all available spawners in the game

  • /warp Blaze - public blaze spawner with over 300 spawners

  • /warp mob200 - public blaze spawner with over 300 spawners

  • /warp grinder - public spawners for zombies, spiders, creepers, and skeletons

  • /warp Enderman Grinder - public enderman grinder located at /warp Spawner

  • /warp PublicGrinder - public spawners for blaze, skeletons, zombies, cave spiders, spiders, magma cubes, creepers, and chickens (just look for the heads of the mob you want!)

  • /warp warehouse - go straight and look for the MOB sign then turn right

  • /warp ahirus - two public wither skeleton spawners, one spot to kill the withers

  • /warp mobgrinder - public skeleton farm

  • /warp Free Iron - public iron golem farm

  • /warp NiciMobs - mobdrop items

  • / warp shopdrops - mobdrop items

  • /warp shulkers - shulker shells

  • /warp easymoney - turn around when you warp in for shulker shells

Shops that Sell a Bit of Everything

  • /msm - mineseed money

  • /warp shop

  • /warp Shin Shop

  • /warp Ethereal

  • /warp mart

  • /warp NoteMall

  • /warp NoteMall Basement

  • /warp PlayerShops

  • /warp Warehouse

  • /warp Free

  • /warp Willmart

  • /warp ZStore

  • /warp KoteMall

  • /warp noobshop

  • /warp NiciBlocks

  • /warp Mikoshi

  • /warp Theplaza

  • /warp topshop

  • /warp MiloMart

Specialty Shops (selling specific things)

  • /warp redstone - redstone and components

  • /warp bookshop - enchanted and unenchanted books

  • /warp toolshop - tools and gear; rockets and cyan fragments

  • /warp rockets - elytra rockets by the stack or by the shulker

  • /warp trimshop - trims and netherite smithing templates

  • /warp potshop - potions, including MCMMO-specific potions

  • /warp potshopmats - materials to make your own potions

  • /warp nicishop - cheapest iron on the server; sell emeralds, diamonds, and highly desired blocks

  • /warp dyes - all colors of dye

  • /warp Tortuga - sea stuff

  • /warp SeaShop - sea stuff

  • /warp Fisheries - pyrofish

  • /warp Corner - sea stuff, food, amethyst shards, fireworks, and more

  • /warp Wool4Free - free wool in all colors, in bulk

  • /warp Quartz - quartz and blocks of quartz

  • /warp art - custom server-made art

  • /warp ChloeArt - custom server-made art

  • /warp ArtByDarky - custom server-made art

  • /warp ArtStore - custom server-made art

Make Money by Selling Stuff

  • /sellgui or /sg - see /shop for what is sellable and the prices

  • /auctionhouse or /ah - mostly specialty items

  • /warp Warehouse

  • /warp noobshop

  • /warp mart

  • /warp Redstone

  • /warp Willmart

  • /warp Mikoshi

  • /warp ZStore

  • /warp topshop

  • /warp easymoney - sell cactus

  • /warp Tepper - sell cactus

Last updated