Claiming Land

Looking to explore? Settling down? Here's some options on how!

You can randomly travel to leave /spawn with /wild or /rtp Once you find where you’d like to live, make sure you /sethome and use /kit claim so you can claim your base space (this keeps people from stealing or griefing from you).

If you land in a place that you can’t escape, do /trapped or return to /spawn

How to Claim

We advise that you do not build within 150-200 blocks from the nearest base. To check what is around you, you can do /gnear to see the claims near where you are, and you can do /gtoggle to see red particles that show you where their claim may end. If you are not sure even after using these commands, please reach out to a staff member to help!

Once you find where you’d like to live, make sure you /sethome and use /kit claim so you can claim your base space (this keeps people from stealing from you). To claim, check out Use the golden shovel, and click where you want one corner of your base, and then immediately go to the diagonal/opposite corner of your base, and click with the gold shovel again. Your base will be the rectangular space!

/kit claim can be claimed multiple times, but it does have a cooldown.

To claim, use the golden shovel that comes with /kit claim, and click where you want one corner of your base, and then immediately go to the diagonal/opposite corner of your base, and click with the gold shovel again. Your base will be the rectangular space! Bases need to be at least 25 blocks (5x5 blocks)

Put a sign on a chest (without crouching) to automatically make your chest private so no one but you and other people you put on the chest can open it

If you do /claim while holding the gold shovel, it will also create a claim around you.

You can extend your claim by holding the gold shovel, clicking on a corner of your existing base, and clicking on a new block where you want the new corner to be. Your base will automatically resize to that new corner as long as you have the claim blocks for it.

Another way to extend your claim is to stand in your claim, hold the gold shovel, and face the direction you are extending. Then, do /extendclaim #, where the # represents how many blocks you want to extend your claim (for example: /extendclaim 10 will expand your entire claim 10 blocks in the direction you're facing).

Note that if you do not have enough claim blocks, it will not let you extend your claim.

Claim Commands

CommandWhat it does

/kit claim

Puts a gold shovel, a stick, and a book about how to claim land into your inventory


Reveals red particles on your screen to show you where a claim may end


Reveals in the chat box what claims are near you

/trust username

Allows users to build on your claim (this means they can open your chests as well)

/accesstrust username

Allows users to open doors and buttons on your claim (they cannot build or open chests)

/containertrust username

Allows users to open chests on your claim (they cannot build)

/permissiontrust username

Allows users to add or remove /trust from your claim


Reveals in chat box who you have trusted in your claim. This is color coded based on the trust level they have in your claim

/untrust username

Removes /trust from someone in your claim

/untrust all

Removes /trust from everyone in your claim


Removes the claim that you are standing in (and only that one)


Removes all your claims (you will need to type it again in the chat box to confirm)


Changes your claim settings so you can separate your claim into different sections with different /trust permissions


The subclaim's permissions will no longer inherit from the parent claim


Changes your claim settings from subdivisions to normal claim settings


Turns on TNT and explosion effects on only your claim


Shows all of your claims in the chat window. If you have a lot of claims, you may need to do /claimslist 2 to see the second page

/sethome homename

Puts an anchor down so that if you do /home homename, you can go back to that exact spot

/home homename

Teleports you back to your /sethome


Shows you a list of all your claims with ID numbers

/gptp claimID#

Lets you teleport to a specific claim

/buyclaimblocks #

Allows you to use in game money to purchase claim blocks at $500 each

/sellclaimblocks #

Allows you to gain in game money to sell claim blocks at $1 each

Instead of buying claim blocks for $500, earn them for free by actively playing, /vote (250 for each site), /wb (or /welcomeback gives 50 for each person) /welcome (100 for each person) as some other ideas!

Still confused about teleporting to your claim?

In chat, if you type /gptplist, you will see something like this:

You can see that RickyLafleur has 2 different claims. The ID numbers are the first number listed. Ricky can get to his claim by entering one of these two commands in chat:

/gptp 34421 /gptp 34422

Still having trouble? Ask a staff member for help!

Last updated